Reviews – Visit Georgia | Tours in Georgia and the Caucasus Visit Georgia Fri, 10 May 2024 13:42:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reviews – Visit Georgia | Tours in Georgia and the Caucasus 32 32 Reviews Shared by Our Travelers Thu, 20 Jul 2023 10:27:08 +0000

Wir sind am Sonntagabend pünktlich und voll von vielen positiven Eindrücken aus Georgien zurück nach Hause gekommen.

Ein großes Danke an Dich für die ausgezeichnete Zusammenstellung der Reise, sie war sehr ausgewogen in Bezug auf Kultur und – wie von uns gewünscht – mit einem Schwerpunkt auf georgischen Wein.

Beides hat uns sehr beeindruckt.

Ein besonderer Dank gilt aber Nino, die uns mit sehr viel Wissen und Information durch diese Woche geführt hat. Sie ist sehr einfühlsam auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen und war sehr bemüht, uns diese zu erfüllen. Wir glauben, es hat auch ihr Spaß gemacht, uns zu begleiten, da wir aufgrund unserer langjährigen Freundschaft untereinander immer eine sehr „Spaß betonte“ Unterhaltung hatten.

Natürlich hat das schöne sommerliche Wetter dazu beigetragen, dass sich Georgien uns perfekt präsentieren konnte. Die jahrhundertealte Kultur, stark geprägt von der orthodoxen Kirche, aber vor allem auch von den vielen Kriegen gegen verschiedene „Eindringlinge“ nach Georgien, wird lange in unserer Erinnerung bleiben.

Die gute Mischung der ausgesuchten Weinbetriebe, kleine Familien-Weingüter sowie Großbetriebe, haben uns einen sehr guten Eindruck der Kveri- Weine verschafft. Wir konnten klar den Unterschied europäischer Produktionsmethoden im Vergleich zu den uralten Methoden in Georgien „herauskosten“. Nino hat uns dabei perfekt unterstützt.

Die Besuche der Familienbetriebe mit den dort angebotenen Speisen hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Ein Danke auch an Euch, auf unsere Knoblauch-Unverträglichkeit Rücksicht genommen zu haben. Ohne dieser Vorinformationen hätten wir vermutlich sehr wenig essen können.

Zusammengefasst – es war eine großartige Reise!

21-28 April

Os copio los comentarios de los clientes que acaban de llegar de Georgia:

Hola Carolina,

Queríamos comentarte el trato recibido por parte de Nino, la guía asignada en Georgia.  

El trato sólo lo podemos considerar EXCELENTE, desde el primer momento fué cercana, empática, muy diligente y organizada.

Queremos que transmitas nuestro agradecimiento a la empresa de Georgia para que lo tengan en cuenta y que además cuenten con nuestro agradecimiento.

Y por nuestra parte, mil gracias por el trato la nuestros clientes y a nosotros en la venta, lo hacéis fácil y agradable. 



12 – 19 April, 2024

I have just had the pleasure of having your employee Sophie as a guide for a group of Danish tourists – what a fantastic, knowledgeable, pleasant, and skilled woman you have hired.

I am full of respect for the calm, proper and nuanced description of your beautiful and fantastic country, Georgia, that Sofie gave us.

As a guide, it is difficult to combine the professional with the personal, but Sofie succeeded to a very high degree. Great respect for her / and congratulations on having such a talented employee.


10 – 16 October, 2023

I spent 8 days in Georgia / 14.-23.6.2023/ with the travel agency from Czech and Visitgeorgia. our guide was Mr. Luka. Thank you for his kindness, helpfulness, his guiding knowledge and ability to help us all day. He made our stay in beautiful Georgia very pleasant. He is a very capable tour guide, to whom we owe our great thanks.

Eva R, MD, PhD., Prague

I am back home again in Cornwall in the southwest of the British Isles and full of the best memories of my two weeks in Georgia.

What an extraordinary and extraordinarily beautiful country you have. The history was as fascinating as it was complicated, the architecture and heritage of the Orthodox churches and monasteries was breathtaking, and the insights into the archaeology and pre-Christian settlement were amazing. I am running out of superlatives and I haven’t even mentioned the beautiful and beautifully varied landscapes or indeed the food.

The quality of those memories is in no small part due to the excellence of the Visit Georgia tour. I have never done anything like it previously – I normally arrange my own itineraries and occasionally book a city walking tour – but I am so delighted that I booked this one.

I could not have wished for a better or more companionable guide than Luka who was not only enormously knowledgeable but very skillful in communicating that knowledge in his fluent English. It was a real pleasure to spend time in his company. Kakha and Paata were excellent drivers and Kakha and Luka introduced me to all kinds of delicious Georgian dishes at our lunch and dinner stops!

There is so much to learn and appreciate about Georgia but I have been given the best possible introduction. Thank you and I look forward to booking something else on a future trip.


Antes de nada informarte que hoy han venido nuestros viajeros del código 143 (5 al 11 de mayo) para comentarnos que han quedado muy contentos con todo lo del viaje. Muchas gracias a vuestro equipo por todo Maia y hablaron muy bien de la guía Ani. También le agradecemos a ella.

Todavía no nos has dicho el nombre del guía del código 144, no puede ser Ani?


Gestern sind wir von unserer Georgien-Rundreise zurückgekommen.  

Es war unsere dritte Reise in diesem Jahr – und wieder können wir in jeder Kategorie und in jedem Aspekt nur Bestnoten vergeben. Vor allem unsere Reiseleiterin Eka war menschlich, fachlich und in jeder anderen erdenklichen Hinsicht großartig und das Kennenlernen war für uns ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Bitte geben Sie diese Bewertung an sie weiter…!


We are four women, childhood friends, that toured Georgia from 21/5/2023 until 29/5/2023.

You have a beautiful country, very nice people, and tasty food. We booked a tour with your company, Visit Georgia, and in this letter would like to express our appreciation to our guide, Zura, and the driver, Paata. Zura was exceptionally pleasant and helpful throughout the entire tour. He is very knowledgeable and provided us with details and information about every question we asked him. He did this with patience and gracefully.

He solved all the small and big problems that arose. When one member of our group had physical difficulties walking uphill, he provided alternate transportation to take her to the destination. Zura made us all feel welcome and was always with a ready smile, encouraging us to enjoy the tour. One of the things we appreciated was the fact that every morning he told us about the travel plans for the day, about the sites we were about to see, and, most importantly, when we would have time for a coffee and restroom break. Due to his excellent English and charm, it was easy to communicate with him and discuss our needs.

Paata the driver was also very nice and pleasant, and a proficient driver. Even when the roads were rough and bumpy, he stayed calm and did his best to make the ride smooth. He conveyed a feeling that we were always safe and in good hands, even on curvy and dangerous roads that we would have been frightened to drive on. The good relations between Zura and Paata contributed to the success of the tour and to our enjoyment.

If any of our friends will plan to visit Georgia, we would gladly recommend your company and especially the guide, Zura.

Please make sure to communicate this letter to Zura and Paata.

Rachel, Miriam, Rina, and Hana

We’re back at home. We really enjoyed our trip, through Georgia. The hotels you picked were fine and well-situated. We had the impression we normally got the best rooms, perhaps because of the few tourists at that time. The itinerary of our trip, the organizational details, the car, the mobile phone… all great!

But most of all we appreciated your personal service. It really is amazing!


Nous sommes très heureux du tour. Magnifiques sites ! Incroyable aujourd’hui à Ushguli. Nourriture fabuleuse ! Très bons hôtels et surtout notre Guide Misha est fantastique ! Jamais vu quelqu’un d’aussi gentil et doux, attentionné, empathique et agréable. Très bon chauffeur également.

Au final le temps est beau et agréable donc tout va bien.


I did have a wonderful tour! Tamta was a very cheerful girl, correct, knows what she did, concerned, and very pleasant company! And hereby I want to thank you for all your good care and perfect arrangements! Thank you!!


Today we had a lovely city walk with Ani. She is a very intelligent and developed young woman. Great compliment for her job as a guide and person.


Our hotels were all good to very good. Our favorite Hotel was Rooms Hotel in Kazbegi – charming staff, excellent service and atmosphere and fab breakfast.

Overall we ate very well – especially in Georgia. Suggest checking out Restaurant Archive in Tbilisi – recently opened in the wine museum by chef Levan Kobiashvili. Our favourite meal of the trip. Especially enjoyed the market visit and cooking class in Tbilisi and lunch at people’s homes, winery and qvevri visits. Our guide in Georgia also scheduled in nice lunch stops at local places which nicely broke up the day.

Tamta in Georgia was an absolute delight and really put her customers first and wanted to ensure we were happy and had the best time ever. She engaged with us on a personal level – so we had very interesting conversations with her and the driver. I would rate our driver Nikoloz in Georgia a 10. Very skilled and experienced. Although he understood some English he did not speak it – but we engaged with him a lot through our guide Tamta as an interpreter, as he was a former history teacher and had a lot of knowledge to share with us all.

Lisa & Kenneth

I just wanted to give you some feedback on our recently completed two week trip around Georgia.

It was an amazing experience which we thoroughly enjoyed, made possible by the outstanding professionalism of our guide Ana and our driver Lascha.

There was not one occasion when Ana was unable to answer our questions and boy did we ask a lot of them! They were both so helpful and willing, it made the whole experience that much more enjoyable. Ana is a real asset to your company. Whatever you are paying her, it is not enough!

Thank you for organising the trip for us so well. We look forward to using your company on a revisit,  should our health and World events permit it.


Some of the other highlights are too numerous to mention – the amazing food, friendly people, wine tastings at wineries small and large, the incredible history of the area, lots of new birds, and the unexpectedly beautiful scenery.

I think everyone’s favorite guide was Sophie in Georgia.  She gave us lots of information about the places we saw, taught us a few phrases in Georgian (our favorite was “shemomechama” which translates to “I didn’t mean to but I accidentally ate everything”!), and knew when we’d had enough talking.


Collectively, I really enjoyed the food and wine on this tour in all countries, and the demonstrations we had of bread-making, and visits to wineries. Honestly, you could highlight this as a “foodie” tour for all the wonderful, natural, local and delicious foods we sampled.


It was an excellent, educational trip of countries, that are changing and some of them are still in turmoil.  I think we probably all liked Sofi the best. She was kind, informative, organized, flexible – just the right amount of information.


As a nice surprise to me, the trip provided very special, local “culinary experiences” which should be advertised for next group of participants as a one of the trip highlights. I enjoyed the bread making in all three countries (some differences), making dumplings, preparing local desert, visiting wineries, learning about history and different methods of making wines and of course tasting. I like “hands on” activities.


In Georgia: Caucasus Mountains are spectacular! Visiting everywhere advertised Gergeti Trinity Church and hike to the Gveleti Great Waterfall were my favorite. Also the view of the mountains and the church from Rooms hotel’s was unforgettable!

I enjoyed the half day “at leisure” in Tbilisi.


Two highlights for me: Stepantsminda, which was beautiful and dramatic. Getting there was an adventure in itself, especially interesting because of the current situation of truck overuse on the main highway (due to embargoes on Russia). I was affected by the altitude, despite taking the meds, so I didn’t have quite as full an experience and could not do much hiking. But the views were awesome, Gergeti Church was intriguing, the felt-making was fun, and the dumpling-making was a great start to lunchtime–especially since Georgian food ended up being my favorite of the three cuisines.


The Georgia guide seemed to have a better sense of how much to say and when to let us have our own thoughts. All of the guides put in loads of time with us and were quite willing to answer questions/show us special things. An added shout-out to our drivers, who were dependable and resourceful and had great reflexes.


Everything went smoothly due mostly to your excellent partners in Georgia, Visit Georgia, whose employees were totally professional and well organised as well as being very knowledgeable and good company. Every day was a new adventure that we looked forward to.

In return our guide – Ana was full of praise for the itinerary you had provided, describing it as unusual, interesting and comprehensive… This in turn was the result of the consultation and fine tuning that we had with you for all the destinations. We look forward to continuing this working relationship for our future trips… Thank you all.

Anthony & Marion

07-25 June, 2023

A wonderful start to my Monday morning receiving 10/10 feedback across the board from this couple. Including the below kind words which I ask you please pass on.

Our guide in Georgia, Tamta is the best among the three guides we met. Tamta, a student of International Relation in a top Georgian university, has broad knowledge of her country: history, culture, nature and architecture etc. She is 20 years old young girl but mature. The most invaluable of her is Tamta has an unbiased view on the situation of her country, the present and the past. This is important to the visitors who willing to know but not to be educated. Tamta look after us well and we getting on very well. Part of the reason is she looks after her mum at home and she know about the need of old people very well. By the way, my wife and myself are both 74 years old this year. We appreciate the service provided by Tamta and the driver and wish her a bright future.

Thank you for all of your help with this one and a huge thank you to Tamta!


14-20 June, 2023

Our guide Gabi was truly outstanding and made the holiday. She was so obliging, interesting and amiable. I arrived knowing next to nothing about Georgia and left as an expert. She was like a friend who had all the answers to your queries and did all the organisation. Just brilliant!

Lovely smooth Lincoln car with leather seats and air con.

Our driver David was very skilled at and calm about tackling the traffic in Tbilisi and potholed Georgian military road.

Thank you and please pass these kind words to Gabi and David!

Paul and Bertie

19-29 June

Alex was one of the best guides I have worked with in all my travels. His knowledge, friendliness, and flexibility was outstanding. Everyone had a great time and I hope our organization will run another trip to your beautiful and fascinating country in the future.


June 13-July 2.

Liebe Lela,

ich hatte jetzt ein längeres Gespräch mit Herrn Poppe und was soll ich sagen: ER WAR MEGA BEGEISTERT!

Diese Tour war eine seiner schönsten Gruppenreisen und er spricht nur voll des Lobes von euch als Agentur und vor allem von der Reiseleitung, die Du eingeteilt hast.

Eka muss grandios gewesen sein und der Abschied von ihr fiel der gesamten Gruppe sehr schwer! Sie hat die Gruppe erstklassig begleitet und vom schönen Georgien begeistert.

Landschaftlich ein Traum und wirklich noch vom Massentourismus entfernt.

Vielen Dank für alles und herzliche Grüße


5-15 June, 2023

Ana Hi.  We are before the flight from Georgia to Israel. It’s time to thank you and VisitGeorgia for the beautiful and charming planning of the trip. The wonderful, knowledgeable, professional guide David is undoubtedly the number 1 guide in all of Georgia.  The trip with David was special and one of a kind.  We call him King David … and of course the driver who led us, a safe driver Omar who led us the whole way and also helped us a lot.  Georgia is a beautiful and fascinating country and with your help we were able to see it.  There is no doubt that I will recommend your agency and you Ana to our friends and acquaintances, and of course David our guide , the knowledgeable professional guide who helps and advises us all the way.  We will be in touch in the future.  Thank you very much Ana. “


8-15 July, 2023

Un grand merci à Katia notre guide et David notre chauffeurs. Ils sont formidables et nous ont fait aimer la Géorgie.


16-21 July, 2023

Une organisation parfaite, ponctualité et gentillesse de l’ensemble des intervenants. De très belles rencontres au cours de notre séjour, le haut Caucase est magnifique, Tbilisi une ville à découvrir, le vin Géorgien parfois surprenant peut être très qualitatif. Un seul conseil aux futurs voyageurs, les déplacements prennent beaucoup de temps pour des distances qui paraissent sur une carte assez courtes, il faut donc en tenir compte. Merci à tous en particulier à Natia, Nika et nos chauffeurs.


15-25 July, 2023

Just wanted to pass on this feedback we received from Margaret about Luka 😊

Hi Charlotte, just wanted to let you know that the Georgia trip was amazing! If you can find a way of cloning Luka and have him guide all your tours then you’ll have the best travel company ever. I’m sure all your guides are great but he was exceptional. Everything, everywhere, all at once! That should be his bio.


22 August, 2023

Liebe Marina,

vielen Dank für deine ausgezeichnete und rasche, unseren Vorstellungen entsprechende Planung unserer Georgienrundreise, welche wir vom 23.6. bis

8.7.2023 gemacht haben.

Leider komme ich erst heute dazu mich zu bedanken.

Es war eine so schöne, abwechslungsreiche Reise durch Georgien, welche uns sehr gut gefallen hat. Angefangen mit der Abholung durch Noe unseren Fahrer, der uns die ganze Zeit über, verantwortungsvoll, umsichtig, vorausschauend mit seinem sehr gepflegten Auto durch Georgien gefahren hat.

Frau Nata war uns eine so nette, sympathische, hilfsbereite Reiseleiterin, welche uns sehr ausführlich über Georgien, die Sehenswürdigkeiten informiert hat. Sie wusste sehr viel über die Geschichte, Kultur, Gepflogenheiten und konnte auch alle unsere Fragen zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit beantworten. Sie spricht perfekt Deutsch und hat mit viel Begeisterung diese Reise mit uns gemacht. Sie liebt auch das Wandern und konnte ihre Liebe zur Natur mit uns teilen. Zudem hatten wir großes Glück mit dem Wetter und konnten alle Wanderungen bei herrlichem Wetter machen. Die Blumenpracht zu dieser Zeit war phänomenal und wir werden dies alles niemals vergessen.

Die Unterkünfte und das Essen in den Gästehäusern waren ganz in Ordnung. Das georgische Essen hat uns überall sehr gut geschmeckt und auch die Portionen waren gerade recht. Besonders gut hat uns die Unterkunft in Mestia gefallen. Wir waren sehr positiv überrascht von dem neuen Gästehaus mit wunderschönen Zimmern mit Balkon, der schönen Aussicht auf den Ort und den deutsch sprechenden Chef des Hauses.

Gerne kann ich Freunden und Bekannten die Reiseorganisation empfehlen.

Vielen herzlichen Dank nochmals für Alles und bitte geben sie das große Lob an Noe und Nata weiter!

Mit lieben Grüßen



Ce voyage en Géorgie était profondément désiré. J’en rêvais depuis si longtemps! Dès que le contact a été établi avec Visit Georgia et Natia, j’ai tout de suite compris que mes attentes singulières seraient comprises et pleinement satisfaites. J’ai eu la chance de faire ce voyage, lequel était initiatique avec deux êtres d’exception, la guide francophone Tamar et le driver Simon. Tamar a une connaissance pointue et profonde de son pays, son histoire sacrée comme profane. Elle porte un tel amour à son pays que cet amour ne peut que vous porter et vous transfigurer, Simon est d’une patience et d’une maîtrise et tout de joie. Voyager avec eux n’est pas un simple voyage du corps, mais un voyage du coeur et de l’âme. Je m’étais documentée auparavant sur la Géorgie, mais rien n’était à la hauteur de la connaissance profonde et incarnée que représentait Tamar. La Géorgie est donc bien des paysages grandioses, des monuments d’une grande beauté esthétiques mais elle est surtout le pays des Géorgiens, Kartvelio, eux qui portent leur histoire dans leur coeur immense et intelligent. Pour les amoureux de l’histoire, du voyage qui du sens, des beaux paysages, de la peinture, de la cuisine, Visit Georgia, Tamar et Simon sont les êtres les plus idoines que l’on puisse avoir pour partir à la découverte de ce joyau qu’est la Géorgie. Je pourrais écrire tant de chose sur Tamar à travers laquelle j’ai pu pénétrer l’âme d’un pays. Douceur, compétence, générosité, dévouement. Je la remercie donc de tout, du fond du coeur et partant, je remercie Visit Georgia de l’avoir choisie pour me guider tout au long de ce voyage qui relève bien du merveilleux.


July 18 – August 25, 2023

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